What are the back wall and side rail height limits for exhibit displays?

What are the back wall and side rail height limits for exhibit displays?

Linear/in-line spaces are generally 10 feet (3.05 meters) deep and arranged in a straight line with neighboring booths. Regardless of the number of linear booths utilized, display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 10 feet (3.05 meters) is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a 4 foot (1.22 meters) height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.

Peninsulas or Split Island spaces are open on three sides and share a common back wall of standard 8 feet (2.44 meters) drape with another booth. The entire cubic content of this booth may be used, up to the maximum allowable height allowance of 12 feet (3.66 meters), including signage.

NOTE: Because the pipe and drape behind all Linear/in-line and Peninsula or Split Island spaces is 8 feet tall (2.44 meters), any display that exceeds this height and is visible from the aisle or adjoining exhibits must be made presentable by the Exhibitor. The back and sides of a display that exceeds the height of the pipe and drape must be attractive and finished and not have any company branding so as to not infringe on any exhibitor in adjoining spaces.

Island spaces can be any size booth that is exposed to aisles on all four sides. The entire cubic content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height of 18 feet (5.49 meters), including signage.

EXCEPTIONS: Height exceptions can be made for major sponsors and others on a case-by-case basis. Please submit a support ticket to consult with show management.

Displays not satisfactory in the opinion of Management shall be made presentable at the Exhibitor’s expense.

All displays, no matter the height, must meet our Safety, Fire, Environment, and Health policies outlined below, and be deemed safe by Management, OCC, Fern Expo, and/or any other governing body deemed appropriate by Management.

Safety, Fire, Environment, and Health: 

The Exhibitor must strictly observe and assumes all responsibility for compliance with all applicable local, city and state safety, fire, environmental, and health laws, regulations and ordinances and guidelines regarding installation and operation of equipment, displays, and exhibit materials.

Displays must be safely erected and constructed. If displays are considered to be unsafe by Management, OCC, Fern Exposition & Event Services LLC, the Fire Marshall, or any other governing body deemed appropriate by Management, in their sole discretion, then Exhibitor is responsible for all expenses necessary to re-erect and/or re-construct and/or reconfigure their display to ensure it is safe.

Display materials must be flame-retardant. Flammable substances are not permitted in the building or anywhere on the OCC’s premises and hazardous materials of any type are prohibited. See the OCC’s Terms of Service for complete information on “Fire Marshall’s Rules” and other terms and conditions governing the permitted activities of Exhibitors at the OCC. Exhibitors should dispose of any waste products they generate during the exhibition in accordance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the OCC. See the OCC Sustainability Guide for helpful tips and directions on recycling, composting, and donating leftover goods once the event concludes; ideas for reducing waste; and options for alternative and sustainable signage.
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